Thursday, June 17, 2010

^^^Blog Title Improvement

I change my blog title, (well, I gave it a title - there wasn't much of a title before, just quotes that I liked) as you probably noticed when you saw the massive Chinese characters at the top of the page thought that maybe you'd accidentally gone to some weird Chinese site :-)

Here's a quick lesson in Mandarin: 在上海的美国人的冒险 are the characters at the top. All together, it means 'The American's adventures in Shanghai' (at least that's what I was trying for, haha it may be incorrect, who knows). 在 means 'in' - 上海 means 'Shanghai' - 的 shows possession - 美国人 means 'American' - 冒险 means 'adventure' --If you put it all together literally then it sounds very much incorrect, so think abstract =) It is pronounced: "Zài shànghǎi dì měiguó rén de màoxiǎn"

Now you can say that you learned something interesting today.

1 comment:

  1. I want to actually hear you say that in Mandarin... thanks for the lesson!
    Your blogs are awesome - keep up the great job-love your sense of humor. What an experience of a lifetime.
